PROGRAM: Requested by Sir Ankur Acharya ARRANGING WORDS IN A STRING ACCORDING TO THEIR POTENTIAL The encryption of alphabets are to be done as follows: A = 1 B = 2 C = 3 . . . Z = 26 The potential of a word is found by adding the encrypted value of the alphabets. Example: KITE Potential = 11 + 9 + 20 + 5 = 45 Accept a sentence which is terminated by either “ . ” , “ ? ” or “ ! ”. Each word of sentence is separated by single space. Decode the words according to their potential and arrange them in ascending order. Output the result in format given below: Example 1 INPUT : THE SKY IS THE LIMIT. POTENTIAL : THE = 33 SKY = 55 IS = 28 THE = 33 LIMIT = 63 OUTPUT : IS THE THE SKY LIMIT Example 2 INPUT : LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP. POTENTIAL : LOOK = 53 BEFORE = 51 YOU = 61 LEAP = 34 OUTPUT : LEAP BEFORE LOOK YOU SYNTAX import*; class Potential { public static void main(String args[])throws IOException { ...
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